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The Archer's Paradox - The Travis Fletcher Chronicles Page 15

  Chapter 8

  It had been about four days since Xnuk Ek’ had shot him, or more correctly, that is what Fletcher had unconsciously labelled the passage of time, based on the routine that had been struck. He had been introduced to his new ‘minder’ shortly after being released from the White Room. A humourless individual from the same stock as Xnuk Ek’, he was tall and tanned, with dark gold eyes, and long black hair restrained by the same multiband ponytail as Xnuk Ek’. His name was as equally unpronounceable as his erstwhile assassin, and he had a vision of a hard shelled amphibian lumbering through a field of corn for some inexplicable reason every time he heard the man’s name mentioned.

  At least Physco-bitch Barbie had held a conversation with him, even if it was in cryptic riddles and snide remarks, and she had made him exercise his mind and body, even if he did end up injured. The thought brought a wry smile to his lips. He had even met a few other people on the ship. This new one would hardly pass the time of day and he had not even been allowed to leave his cabin since. His telepathic ability was returning slowly, as the doctor had told him it would. He found he could summon up meals and amenities in his cabin without assistance and he had even tried searching for Xnuk Ek’ with his mind, but either he was still not strong enough, or she was hiding from him or…no, he could not think that, not even for her. Yes, he missed her: her smile that seemed to light up a room (when she did actually smile), her eyes like two pools of mercury that flashed when she laughed and a body, stop it! She shot you for fuck’s sake! She tried to KILL you. To satisfy her fucking honour. Unconsciously he fingered his chest. He could feel the dent through his ship suit where Sundaravāda Ciṭṭe had left a scar, at his request. On Earth she’d be certified insane. He shook the thought from his mind and brought himself back to the present. Yes, about four days; four times the new guy had visited, four times the doctor had examined him and four times he had fallen asleep, bored out of his skull. Well, there was nothing else to do in this cabin, which now felt more like prison. He was sure that if he had asked Xnuk Ek’ for something to read or listen to she would have at least helped him. He had tried conjuring up a book but nothing happened. He was sure she’d mentioned something about helping one of her friends to catalogue Earth music. He might have actually enjoyed that. The thought of possibly teaching these people something appealed to him. This new one just sat there as if it was him that was in a cell.

  The door announced a visitor, shaking Fletcher out of his funk. It could not be the new bloke or the doctor, as both entered unannounced and they were the only visitors he’d had since being shot. He found himself checking that he was presentable as the door slid open. Framed in the doorway was a small, very pretty, oriental looking girl. She looked timidly at him, like a bird ready to take flight at the slightest hint of danger. Fletcher beamed at the young Aantah and she relaxed a little. He was overjoyed to see her for a number of reasons, not least of which was that she was someone he could actually talk to. He beckoned her in. She stepped over the threshold timidly and the door slid shut behind her. He wanted to leap forward and embrace her but restrained himself. He tried to project happiness at seeing her. She smiled. Success! He got a feeling back that she was ashamed and held herself responsible for what had happened. That did it. He rushed forward and hugged the girl, emotions pouring from him. She was not sure how to react, but eventually put her arms around him, imitating his embrace.

  “I’m glad you’re here.” he said finally as he broke their embrace. “How are you?” she did not answer. “You know that nothing was your fault, don’t you?”

  She pulled back from the embrace and looked into his eyes. “Sundaravāda Ciṭṭe told me of Xnuk Ek’’s Paradox of Honour.” she almost whispered.

  He nodded. “We were both used.” she cocked her head to one side in query. “She used me to satisfy her honour,” he said the words without really comprehending their meaning, “and she used you as a convenient excuse for her anger.”

  The girl nodded sadly. “You have much wisdom.”

  Fletcher gave a little snorting laugh. “It’s not wisdom, just an understanding of human nature.” she looked at him with furrowed brows. “It seems that humans are the same all over the galaxy.” he said in explanation to the girl’s incomprehension. “Would you like some wine?” he asked, changing the subject abruptly. “I promise not to get shot this time.”

  In spite of herself Niji No Tori giggled but shook her head. “No, thank you. I have something to show you.” she took his hand and urged him towards the door.

  “Where are we going? What about…?

  “Hoochik ‘Áak? He has been…delayed.” Some of the girl’s natural humour and bounce had returned. Travis laughed and allowed himself to be led out. He did not really care where he was going or what had happened to whatever-his-name-was, he liked this girl, a lot, and he trusted her. He could not believe that she could knowingly lead him into harm.

  Niji No Tori led Travis through corridors and bounce tubes until they entered a room that was well over four hundred yards across and about the same in depth. Dozens of people congregated in groups of varying sizes, mostly at the opposite wall from where they had entered, and a feeling of anticipation hung in the air. Travis felt the girl’s excitement growing as she led him to the far wall, which, as far as he could see, was as uninteresting as the rest of the room. Most of the groups were sat at tables while some stood, but all were chatting excitedly. Travis had the feeling he was in some huge pub, although he could see no bar. Groups fell silent as he passed and he could feel dozens of eyes on him but no one approached or hindered their progress. He felt his escort grow a few inches as she puffed herself up. This was her moment, although it should have been Xnuk Ek’’s. As they neared the far wall they passed close to a table where a female stood and beckoned to them. Travis recognised her.

  “Oh shit, that’s ShunEk’’s friend! I met her in the Gaming Centre.” he whispered to Niji No Tori. “What does she want?”

  “Will you join us?” Turix Dayak' asked as they approached. She smiled broadly, which had the same effect on Fletcher’s knees as Xnuk Ek’, her honey coloured eyes projected only friendship but Travis instinctively raised whatever shields he could, as Sundaravāda Ciṭṭe had shown him. As they approached, two more chairs appeared at their table and the table itself extended to make room for them.

  “Niji No Tori.” Niji No Tori announced herself with a low bow to the table. “Aantah to Sundaravāda Ciṭṭe.”

  “Travis Fletcher, computer salesman,” Travis imitated her escort, “and Saviour of the Xi Scorpii.” he added with more than a dash of sarcasm.

  Turix Dayak' laughed musically. “I believe you are the most recognisable person on this ship. I am Turix Dayak'.” she bowed and sat down. The rest introduced themselves: Tezozomoc, Atototl, Xocoyol and finally Lak’in.

  “We’ve met before, in the Gaming Centre.” he nodded to Turix Dayak'. “And I know you,” Travis said warily to Lak’in, “well I know your name; you’re Snukekk’s boyfriend.” he noticed sniggering round the table at his pronunciation but he stoically ignored them.

  Lak’in looked at Travis. “I do not understand the reference.” His eyes glazed over for a second and he looked over at the one called Atototl who nodded, smirking. “Ahh I see.” he said out loud to her, turning to Travis. “We enjoy each other’s company, but it is not a relationship as you understand it and we have no concept of…marriage.” he finished, stumbling a little over the English word. Travis refrained from sniggering back at Lak’in’s pronunciation.

  “Where is…?”

  “Xnuk Ek’?” Lak’in finished for him, saving the ignominy of mispronunciation again. She is being kept busy by Wingu Kanzu, her Nuuktak, preparing for our arrival back on Otoch.”

  Travis read between the lines and concluded that she was being deliberately kept out of the way, but none of her friends were giving anything away. He was beginning to feel uncomfortable at being surrounded by hi
s erstwhile attacker’s friends and was about to suggest to his escort that they should move on when Turix Dayak' leaned over and put a hand on his arm. Her liquid eyes were full of sympathy. “Please stay.” she asked. “We bear no malice towards you and your presence would honour us.”

  Damn this mind reading! He admonished himself and rechecked his shields noting they had slipped as he lost concentration. Everyone round the table laughed.

  “You will learn.” Tezozomoc promised.

  “That’s what everyone keeps telling me.” Travis pouted. That elicited more laughter and Travis found himself smiling.

  “So, you are here for The Arrival?” Xocoyol asked.

  Travis noted that if he and Atototl got any closer to each other they would be inside each other’s suits. He also noticed that Niji No Tori had become very quiet since they had sat down. He tried to send her a mental query, hoping that no-one else would pick it up. She looked up at him in surprise before replying. She considered herself subordinate to all the people round the table and so had no right to join in their conversation without permission. Travis checked his shields again and fumed silently.

  “I don’t know.” he said, truthfully. “I’m just following the orders of my Pal Kanash.” he indicated Niji No Tori.

  “So, little Paal Kanik,” Turix Dayak' laughed, not unkindly, “You have assumed responsibility for the most important person to our people, have you?”

  Niji No Tori flushed furiously. “No…I…no…I would never presume...” she stammered.

  Turix Dayak' laughed again. “Be calm, young one. “We are all friends here, and friends do not adhere to the hierarchy when they are not on duty.”

  Niji No Tori looked up and gave a nervous smile. “Thank you.” she whispered.

  “So, Paal Ka’nsah,” Tezozomoc carried on the joke, “considering our special guest, what do you suggest an appropriate ritual for this Arrival? I believe the people of Sol 3 enjoy their rituals, and it would be amusing to join in.”

  Niji No Tori looked round the table nervously. Everyone leaned forward in anticipation, except Travis, who was still at a loss as to what was going on. “Well,” she started slowly, “as we have someone from Sol 3 with us,” she began to grow more confident, “there is a drink called ‘wine’ that is drunk after declaring a ‘toast’. That would seem appropriate.”

  Attention turned from Niji No Tori to Fletcher looking for confirmation. “Can someone tell me what is happening?”

  “We are nearly home.” Atototl replied simply. “We have been away for a long time and we have gathered to see our home for the first time.”

  “In that case,” Travis thought a moment, “although a good wine will do,” he nodded to Niji No Tori, “may I suggest Champagne instead? It is a special wine used for celebrations.” he finished in explanation. He looked round the table and received nods of agreement. He tried to think of what he needed; Champagne, chilled in an ice bucket, but nothing happened. He tried again but still nothing. He turned to Niji No Tori. “I think I am going to need some help with this one. I don’t think I am strong enough yet.” he sent her a mental picture of the ice and bucket. She nodded and three appeared. He tried to picture the right shape of fluted glass. Again, one each appeared for each of the people round the table. His turn now. Concentrate. Success, three bottles of Champagne materialised which he picked up and screwed into the ice, hoping he had managed to get the contents right. He had managed before being shot almost by instinct, but now it was an effort and he realised that beads of sweat were trickling down his temples. The last thing he wanted was to end up poisoning his hosts.

  Travis noticed a hush had fallen over the room. He looked round at the tables and groups of people dotted randomly around him. All seemed to be waiting and he could feel the anticipation building. He started to feel excited himself. He was finally going to see another planet, another sun, another…urrrggghhh! His internal organs suddenly tried to turn inside out in a most unpleasant fashion. The feeling only lasted a moment.

  “What was that?” Travis complained, holding his stomach.

  “We have just left hyperspace.” Tezozomoc announced. “We should prepare.” he said, looking at Travis.

  Travis passed a bottle to Lak’in and Xocoyol. “Copy me.” he ordered. He carefully undid the foil wrapping and removed the wire cage, then waited for the two aliens to catch up. Gently he eased the cork up with his thumbs until it flew out with a loud pop and shower of Champagne bubbles, much to the surprise of everyone around and to the delight of his audience around the table. He had no idea where the cork landed but he quickly caught the flow in a glass and handed it to Niji No Tori, before pouring a glass for himself. Xocoyol caught on and copied Travis and a second later a second cork was flying over the room. He poured for Atototl and himself and was soon followed by Lak’in who poured for Turix Dayak' and Tezozomoc.

  Just as Travis was wondering what was supposed to happen next, the whole wall in front of them vanished, revealing a void full of stars and a pale sun over to one side. “Oh my God.” he whispered to himself. “I’’s...there’s…oh fuck I’m really here…it’s amazing.” he stammered. Reality had hit him as he stared open mouthed at the field of stars that filled the full width of the ship. He felt a sharp dig in his ribs and caught Niji No Tori looking at him.

  “The words.” she hissed at him, nodding at the expectant faces around the table.

  He dragged his attention away from the spectacle in front of him and wracked his brains for inspiration. What to say? Say the wrong thing and you get a bullet, energy pulse or whatever, in the chest. No pressure then. He took a deep breath. “I drink this toast to the memory of my family and friends, but also to the future, new friends and new adventures.” he raised his glass round the table, to the void outside and then drained the contents with a flourish, much to the amusement of everyone. He gestured that everyone should follow his actions. Self-consciously they raised their glasses and tentatively sipped the contents before following Travis’ example and bursting out laughing. He quickly refilled the empty vessels and raised his glass again, waiting for quiet. “Your turn.” he said to Niji No Tori with a wink.

  “What do I say?” she said, flushing heavily.

  “Just think of something or someone you’ve missed while you’ve been away.” he prompted.

  The girl thought a moment and took a deep breath, all eyes on her. “I look forward to seeing my brother and sister.” she nodded. “It has been a long time and I have much to tell them.”

  “To your family!” Travis toasted, then added, “To everyone’s family.” And drained his glass again.

  “To family!” Everyone affirmed.

  Glasses were refilled, but Travis wanted to getter a closer look at where he had come to, so he slipped away with his glass and headed towards a gap in the crowds who were staring at the view outside. Behind him he could hear Xnuk Ek’’s friends making up new toasts. They had got the hang of it pretty quickly. He idly wondered if alcohol was allowed or even available on this planet they were going to. He managed to find a spot that was sparsely populated and stood in wonder. The window, the description hardly did it justice, ran the full width and height of the room, without break or frame and with no reflections, marks or imperfections. He put out a tentative hand and touched the transparent surface. It was smooth, unsurprisingly, but more like silk than the solid feel of glass, and it felt slightly spongy. He pressed harder and the surface seemed to push back and became more solid. He searched the vista looking for a planet but was unsuccessful. He felt a presence at his elbow. Niji No Tori stood there with her glass in one hand and a bottle in the other.

  “It’s incredible, but, where’s your planet?”

  Niji No Tori summoned a small table on which to park the bottle and her glass. “There is Xi Scorpii C,” she pointed to the sun, “and there is A and B.” she pointed to two points of lights, brighter than the rest. “D and E cannot be seen from here and we are still too far out to s
ee Otoch.” she explained.

  “I thought…”

  “Watch.” the girl smiled. She was enjoying herself being the teacher rather than the student for once.

  “Woah!” Travis exclaimed as the stars suddenly changed from points to streaks of light that emanated from a point of origin somewhere in front of the ship. It was hypnotic, like driving through a multi-coloured snowstorm at night, and Travis was caught in its spell. Heedless of the stares and comments from everyone around him, he stepped forward, spread his arms and legs and pressed his face against the screen. It was like falling down a bottomless mineshaft; both exhilarating and frightening at the same time. After a while he felt a tug on his sleeve. Niji No Tori regarded him with a concerned look on her face.

  “Sorry,” he apologised, “it’s so …….” There were so many adjectives all vying for attention that words failed him and he stumbled into silence.

  “It is beautiful” the girl acknowledged.

  “More Champagne?” he asked, breaking the spell and refilling their glasses.

  They drank more Champagne and chatted while Travis’ eyes flicked between his escort and the vista outside. Niji No Tori tried, as best she could, to answer his questions and explain why they had to exit hyperspace so far from Otoch and what the Compression Drive was, but as she explained, she was training to be Ts’ats’aak, not an astrophysicist or an engineer. Travis did his best to grasp such alien concepts and had to concede that he was no engineer either; he had enough problems remembering where to put oil in his Beemer, let alone understanding the physics of interstellar travel.

  Several hours later, as suddenly as it started, the Compression Drive shut down and there it was: Travis Fletcher’s first glimpse of an alien world. The next hour was taken up by the great ship manoeuvring closer and entering orbit, but Travis was so fascinated by the whole procedure the time flew past, although he was more than a little disappointed by the brown, dead world in front of them. He was expecting something out of a science-fiction film with spaceships zipping about, massive space stations and a world teeming with life. He could see mountains, land formations and a single pale moon, but he could see no seas, no cloud formations and no signs of life. However, he kept his feelings hidden as much as he could as he could feel waves of unbridled emotion washing over him from everyone around him.